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Health and Wellbeing at Elecomm

Health and Wellbeing at Elecomm Elecomm

This Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re shining a spotlight on the important work carried out by our Health and Wellbeing team.

We really do place our people at the centre of everything we do. We’d be nothing without our amazing team, so we make sure we look after them!

In recent weeks, our activity in this area has been more important than ever. With some staff furloughed, some working from home, and others having to work onsite in unusual circumstances, it’s been a difficult time for everyone. We’ve been doing everything we can to help keep morale up, including:

Before the lockdown, our dedicated Health and Wellbeing team were busy organising or delivering a variety of activities, such as:

This is an area we’re very passionate about, and we intend to continue building the programme in the coming months and years. We’re open to new ideas – what else could we be doing to support the health and wellbeing of our staff? What best practice have you seen in your industry?